HSE Consulting
Asset Integrity Management Consultant Services 
Asset Integrity Management (AIM) can be defined as the Management of physical Facilities/Assets – including Equipment Inspections, Maintenances, Repairs and Renewal/replaces, etc... Modern AIM Systems (AIMS) are also applying Risk-Based Approaches to the Assets Management, as well as Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Managements. The AIMS plays a key role in creating and ensuring the operational performance and profitability of industrial plants and installations.

Developing AIM System will bring various benefits to industrial Plant Managers & Operators. AIM System is a systematic business requirements maximizing return on assets whilst maintaining stakeholder values and minimizing business risks. General AIMS requirements can be referred to ISO 55000 standards family; it can be integrated with other ISO standards families such as ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 18000, etc.

Modern AIM system focuses on key issues as follows:
- Facilities Integrity Management databases;
- AIM system documents: Policies, procedures and guidelines, etc. ;
- Technical tools for planning & implementations of inspection & maintenance activities;
- Technical tools for evaluating equipment conditions & Fitness-for-the Services (FFS);

1. Modern Facilities Integrity databases:
With the recent technology advancements, 3D Facilities Integrity Management databases are broadly applied to industrial plants and facilities. Like virtual reality, 3D Facilities Databases can provide to the operators a strong and precise visualization of the facilities. With 3D visualization, the plant can be viewed from general layout to specific equipment and its components at mouse moves and clicks. Then operators can access to all relevant data and records of the facilities, including basic analyses, design, procurement, fabrication, installation, commissioning, operating status, inspection and maintenance records, etc.

HSEAll can provide AIM Consultancies on Software selection, 3D visualization model setup, databases setup and periodic updates, retrofit and repair/replacement updates, expansions, etc.

2. Technical tools for planning Inspection & Maintenance activities:
After having the plant engineering databases of all equipment specifications, the next step is to built up effective inspection and maintenance programs those ensure:
- Legal requirements compliances & international recognized codes & standards assurances;
- Appropriate Asset integrity Risk Management to the corporate standards;
- Appropriate optimizations of production interferences;
- Resources optimizations: personnel, contractors, budgets and timing, etc;
- Etc.

HSEAll can provide AIM Consultancies on Legal Compliance, Risk-Based Inspection (RBI), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), etc. as well as In-Services Inspections with qualified inspectors and experts. The inspection and evaluation results can be updated into the selected AIM software and databases.

3. Technical tools for evaluating equipment conditions & FFS:
Together with inspection & maintenance activities, equipment condition monitoring and evaluations are important parts to assure safe operations of process plants & specific process equipment installations.
- Static equipment: corrosion analyses & wall thicknesses measurements, working conditions and strength assessments, remaining life analyses, etc.
- Rotating equipment: vibration monitoring & diagnoses, damage time predictions, remaining life analyses, etc

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